martes, 30 de diciembre de 2008

Descripcion de nuestros servicios para Estudiantes Extranjeros

UNIVERSITY RESIDENCE OF the COAST - EXCELLENT ATMOSPHERE - Small selected by its capacity of coexistence, previous personal interview. We offer places to share for students men of 18 to 29 years and places to share for young ladies students between the same age. SINGLE ROOMS of a bed, TO SHARE of two beds, three and four beds, totally furnished, with lockers or/and placares of wall wall etc. All equipped with wall or ceiling ventilators. ROOM OF STUDY, very ample and luminous, furnished with directory table and chairs, Library, etc. AMPLE DINING ROOM WITH TABLE AND CHAIRS, that the relaxation and meeting place constitutes, like thus, the Gallery covered in summer. KITCHEN for fast meals with kitchen, refrigerator, calefon, microwaves, cupboard, and other electrical appliances. PATIO OF WINTER, GARDEN, TERRACE, all the services, hot water, 4 baths (in ground floor) totally installed, Natural Gas, Service of Sewers, cable, telephone, television, etc. HIGH PLANT TO RELEASE, WITH MAS ROOMS, HALL TO BE, KITCHEN and 3 BATHS totally installed. Ample Hungry Kitchen and to be, covered gallery, and 9 rooms totally furnished. To it squares of the Faculty of Right, of the University of the Coast, to 2 pictures of the School of Health, to 1/2 squares of the Center of Educational Training Alte. Brown, to 4 pictures of the Faculty of Ing. Quimica of the UNL., in the corner collective for " The Pozo" , for the Face. of Economic Sciences and for all the training centers, that on the other hand, but moved away are to 18 pictures and many of our boys are walking. (Anyway the transport for students acquires a tariff differentiated from little value). - VERY CALM ATMOSPHERE - APT FOR THE CONCENTRATION AND THE STUDY. RESIDENTS CONCIENTIZADOS IN THE RESPECT BY THE FELLOW. VERY ORDERED, CLEAN AND TEDIOUS. THE COEXISTENCE IS IN FORCE BY AN INTERNAL PROCEDURES OR " CODE DE CONVIVENCIA" , WITH A SERIES OF CLAUSES THAT STIPULATE WHAT IT IS POSSIBLE TO BE DONE AND WHAT IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO BE DONE. WITHOUT IT LIMITS OF SCHEDULE FOR ENTRANCE AND EXIT. WE DID NOT RECEIVE SMOKERS. ALLOWED THE ENTRANCE OF COMPANIONS TO STUDY. WE INVITED THEM TO ENTER OUR BLOG, TO FIND OUT YOU COMPLETE NEW FEATURES. We wait for your consultation without commitment, we received foreign students worldwide and of all the country, which you dara the possibility of making friendly, of afianzarte in your study and of obtaining aid in the subjects that not entendes, to know people new, with other experiences, originating of other cultures and mainly to find a great bearable family who hara but your demurrage far from your relatives. My name is GLADIS, I am the Administrator of the Residence and I wait for my affection yet to them, to clarify the doubts that can surgir.0342-4582273 to them-------155-440-401